Atwinds Foundation, Inc. (A Teacher's Work Is Never Done) is a women owned nonprofit 501(c)3 organization
founded by Dr. Eunita Winkey. Atwinds take pride in providing their clients with a high-quality service.
Providing good service means taking the time to listen and working with them every step of the way to ensure they
receive the support they need. The organization is client-oriented and maintains confidentially in working
with people. Atwinds believes that "One of the most important decisions in life is
to choose how we frame our life. Because our focus leads us to choose the elements that will define and refine us. Do we frame
the troubles and disastrous elements of our lives? Or do we frame the joys of success. The choice is ours. Do
we want the troubles and hardships to define us? Or do we persevere?"
NBC4 Changing Minds Community Forum. A Changing Minds forum on the mental health and wellness of youth and adolescents today.
(Video Published Saturday, Sept. 13, 2014)